Battery Replacement: Signs Your Laptop Needs It

Battery Replacement: Signs Your Laptop Needs It

Battery Replacement: Signs Your Laptop Needs It

Laptop battery is a major component of a laptop. Laptop battery replacement might save you a lot of trouble in the future.

A well-functioning laptop battery is crucial for optimal performance and user satisfaction. Just like any other component, batteries wear out over time, and knowing when to seek battery replacement is essential. In this guide, we’ll discuss the importance of a healthy laptop battery and provide an overview of battery deterioration.

A laptop’s battery health directly impacts its performance, mobility, and overall user experience. Neglecting battery replacement when necessary can lead to various issues, from reduced productivity to potential safety hazards. As a PC hardware expert, I’ve witnessed firsthand the difference a new battery can make in a laptop’s functionality.

Understanding the signs of battery deterioration will help you determine when it’s time to replace the battery. Keep an eye on your laptop’s performance and physical state, and you’ll be better equipped to maintain its longevity and efficiency.

1. Common signs that your laptop needs a battery replacement

  • Drastically reduced battery life

When your laptop’s battery depletes at an alarmingly fast rate, it’s often a clear sign that battery replacement is necessary. Monitor your laptop’s battery life and compare it to its initial performance. Remember, manufacturers’ claims might not always align with real-world usage, but a significant discrepancy may indicate that a battery replacement is due. We recommend keeping track of your battery’s performance to ensure your laptop remains efficient and reliable.

One of the most reliable ways to determine your laptop’s expected battery performance is by consulting the user manual. This resource typically provides battery life claims, giving you a baseline for comparison with your current experience. If you don’t have the manual on hand, you can always visit the manufacturer’s website and search for your specific laptop model. Detailed product pages often include battery life information under the specifications or features section.

  • Unexpected shutdowns or restarts

When your laptop shuts down abruptly without any prior indication, it’s often a sign of a failing battery that requires battery replacement. These unexpected shutdowns not only interrupt your tasks but can also put your data at risk, leading to potential loss or corruption.

Similarly, experiencing sudden restarts while using your laptop is another indication that the battery might be deteriorating. When a laptop battery loses its ability to hold a consistent charge, it may cause power fluctuations that lead to unexpected restarts. These restarts can disrupt your workflow, decrease productivity, and potentially cause data loss if you haven’t saved your work.

  • Battery charging issues

When your laptop doesn’t charge while plugged in, it’s crucial to consider battery replacement as a solution to restore its charging capabilities and ensure peak performance. Additionally, if you notice that your battery struggles to reach full charge, it’s a sign that its capacity has diminished. Moreover, inconsistent charging behavior, such as fluctuating charge levels or unpredictable charging speeds, often indicates a worn-out battery. By opting for battery replacement, you can resolve these issues and maintain your laptop’s efficiency. Keep a watchful eye on your laptop’s charging performance to ensure it continues to run at its best, providing a smooth and seamless user experience.

2. Physical signs of battery deterioration

  • Swelling or bulging battery

A visible expansion of the battery case is a telltale sign of battery deterioration, necessitating battery replacement to prevent further damage. Moreover, a swelling battery can also cause warping of the laptop chassis, which may lead to additional hardware issues. By opting for battery replacement in a timely manner, you can avoid potential risks and ensure the proper functioning and longevity of your laptop.

An image of a swollen battery, indicating the need for battery replacement.

An image of a swollen battery.

  • Overheating issues

If your laptop generates excessive heat while in use or during charging, it could be a sign that it is causing battery deterioration. In turn, a failing battery may struggle to manage power efficiently, leading to increased heat production. Battery replacement can help resolve this issue, but you should also be aware if the laptop is overheating. You can prevent overheating by ensuring the fan is working and that it is cooling the laptop to within optimal operating temperatures. This will help preventing potential damage to internal components and the battery.

Overheating due to a deteriorating battery can negatively impact your laptop’s performance, as the system may throttle to manage heat, resulting in slower processing speeds. Moreover, persistent overheating can shorten the lifespan of your laptop’s components. Timely battery replacement can mitigate these risks, safeguarding your laptop’s performance and overall longevity.

  • Leaking battery

A leaking battery is a serious concern, as it can cause corrosion and damage to your laptop’s internal components. If you notice any signs of leakage or corrosion near the battery compartment, it’s crucial to seek battery replacement immediately to avoid further damage and potential safety hazards.

A leaking battery poses not only a risk to your laptop’s functionality but also to your safety. Chemicals from a damaged battery can be harmful, and in extreme cases, can even cause fires or explosions. Prompt battery replacement is vital to ensure the safety of both you and your laptop.

3. Tools to check your battery health

  • Built-in diagnostic tools

Utilizing built-in diagnostic tools is an effective way to assess your laptop’s battery health, ensuring you make informed decisions about battery replacement and maintain optimal laptop performance.

Windows: To access the battery report on your PC, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the Search icon located on the taskbar.
    2. Type “Command prompt” in the search bar and select it.
    3. Right-click on Command prompt and choose “Run as administrator”.
    4. If prompted, click “Yes” to grant administrative privileges.
    5. Once the Command prompt opens, type “powercfg /batteryreport” and press Enter.
    6. The battery report will be generated as an HTML file and saved in a designated folder on your PC.
      Screenshot of the Command Prompt window displaying the steps to generate a battery report on a Windows computer.

      Type in the command ‘powercfg /batteryreport’ and pressed Enter to export battery report for your device. Image credit: Lifewire

The report will show the capacity of the battery versus the capacity from factory. Any “wear level” that indicates battery is below 70% of factory level, you might want to consider replacing the laptop battery.


macOS: Within the System Information tool, users can find the “Power” or “Battery” section. Then, choose Battery Health.


  • Third-party software

Leveraging reputable tools such as HWMonitor, BatteryCare, and CoconutBattery can provide users with a comprehensive analysis of their laptop’s battery health. These tools assist in making well-informed battery replacement decisions, ensuring your laptop maintains optimal efficiency and reliability. Carefully evaluate the results and recommendations from these tools to determine the need for battery replacement, thus safeguarding your laptop’s peak performance and longevity.

Link to download:

  1. HWMonitor: WindowsYou can check the battery condition by looking at the wear level.
    Screenshot of a Windows 7 desktop with HWMonitor in the background and a system warning message about considering replacing the laptop battery

    HWMonitor displaying a significant difference between the original and current battery capacity, indicating the need for a battery replacement. Image credit: groovypost

  2. BatteryCare: Windows
    Screenshot of BatteryCare application showing detailed battery information, including discharge cycles, wear level, and capacity, suggesting battery maintenance is needed

    Screenshot of BatteryCare application showing detailed battery information, including discharge cycles, wear level, and capacity. Image credit: BatteryCare

  3. CoconutBattery: macOS
Screenshot of the Coconut Battery application displaying the battery information of a Mac computer. The application window shows the current charge level of the battery as a percentage, along with the remaining time until the battery is fully charged or fully depleted.

Screenshot of the Coconut Battery application displaying the battery information of a Mac computer. Image credit: macrumors

4. When to consider a battery replacement

  • Age of the laptop

A laptop’s age plays a significant role in determining the need for battery replacement. Typically, laptop batteries have an expected lifespan of 2-4 years, which varies depending on usage and maintenance.

Consequently, it’s essential to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for battery longevity, as this can offer valuable guidance on when to consider battery replacement. By taking these factors into account, you can make informed decisions about replacing your laptop’s battery, ensuring its continued performance and reliability.

  • The battery health index

The battery health index varies depending on the operating system and tools used to measure it. However, a common threshold for considering battery replacement is when the battery’s capacity drops below 70% of its original design capacity. This threshold may be represented as a percentage or a value, depending on the diagnostic tool used.

For instance, in Windows, the battery report will provide the “Full Charge Capacity” and “Design Capacity” values. If the Full Charge Capacity drops below 80% of the Design Capacity, you should consider replacing the battery.

Similarly, on macOS, you may see the battery’s condition listed as “Normal,” “Replace Soon,” “Replace Now,” or “Service Battery.” When the condition changes to “Replace Soon” or worse, it’s time to consider a battery replacement.

  • Physical signs of leakage or swelling

When your laptop’s battery displays physical signs of leakage or swelling, immediate action is crucial. Swollen or leaking batteries can cause potential damage to internal components and, in extreme cases, may present safety hazards like fires or explosions. Consequently, addressing these physical signs with prompt battery replacement not only safeguards your laptop’s performance and longevity but also ensures your personal safety.

  • Impact on laptop performance and usability

The impact of battery issues on your laptop’s performance and usability is another essential consideration when deciding on battery replacement. When battery-related problems start to significantly disrupt your daily laptop use, affecting your productivity and efficiency, it’s wise to consider battery replacement. Additionally, it’s crucial to assess the overall health of your laptop, including both hardware and software components, to determine if battery replacement is a sound investment for extending your device’s life and performance.

Image of a leaking battery with visible corrosive substance, indicating damage and the need for replacement

Image of a leaking battery with visible corrosive substance.

5. Battery replacement options

  • DIY

DIY battery replacement is a cost-effective way to restore your laptop’s battery life and performance. To begin, assess the process’s complexity and ensure you have the necessary tools and expertise to perform the task safely. You can consult the user manual or manufacturer’s website for guidance, purchase a high-quality replacement battery, and prepare the necessary tools. Take your time, follow each step correctly and safely, and seek professional assistance if necessary. By prioritizing safety and following these steps, you can replace your laptop’s battery successfully, avoid unnecessary expenses, and prolong your laptop’s lifespan.

  • Professional services

The necessary tools and expertise for a DIY battery replacement. These services provide a comprehensive diagnosis of your laptop’s hardware and software, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

When considering professional battery replacement services, it’s essential to research reputable vendors, compare prices, and ask for recommendations. Ensure the vendor offers a warranty or guarantee for their services. By prioritizing battery health and opting for professional services, you can prolong your laptop’s lifespan, ensure optimal performance, and have peace of mind knowing that your laptop is in good hands.

If you’re looking for professional battery replacement services in Singapore, look no further than VOLTA PC Upgrade and Repair. With our expertise and top-rated Google reviews, you can trust us to provide reliable and efficient battery replacement services.

You can consider buying a new laptop if replacing the laptop battery is not economical

Browse our full range of laptops available at Laptops – Volta PC – Home of Custom PC and Laptops


In conclusion, battery replacement is a crucial aspect of maintaining your laptop’s longevity and performance. Whether you opt for a DIY replacement or professional services, prioritizing battery health is essential for your laptop’s efficiency and reliability. Regularly monitoring your laptop’s battery life and performance, addressing any issues promptly, and taking the necessary steps to ensure optimal battery health can help prolong your laptop’s lifespan and save unnecessary expenses.